Office Coffee Blog | Roast & Ground

The Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines in 2017

Written by Catherine Gray | 16-Aug-2017 08:25:56

With 2017 more than halfway over at the time of writing, the summer holidays are upon us and you and your colleagues may well be heading overseas to soak up the sun – if you haven’t already been.

That makes this one of the two best times of the year to surprise your staff and colleagues with a brand new coffee machine for the breakroom (alongside Christmas) as it will be a pleasant surprise on their return.

But Which Machine?

Bean to cup machines are getting rave reviews and are already seen by many as the top tier in terms of coffee machines, so if you want employees to really feel valued, this is the best way to do it.

OK; granted – but there are always new machines. Which are the best bean to cup coffee machines of 2017?


One of the biggest brands in coffee, Jura will always dominate the conversation on this topic. The XJ9 Professional can provide up to 80 cups of coffee per day with 10 different specialities programmed in, providing plenty of choice to suit the varied tastes of any office.

As an alternative, the XJ5 Professional makes only black coffee but has the same daily capacity and the capability to make two cups at a time. This one is particularly useful if you often host meetings with guests, as host and guest can receive their coffee at the same time.

Rex Royal

We have to take some time to single out the resilient, efficient Rex Royal S300.  Capable of making up to 24 different hot drinks from speciality coffees to the occasional hot chocolate and operating with a simple touch screen control panel, the S300 delivers high-quality drinks with great flavour every time, and can serve 100-250 cups per day. These machines are always in high demand.


‘Big on volume and big on taste’ is a popular description of the WMF 8000S, a big-league system for coffee and tea alike boasting a high-performance, heavy-duty grinder and brewer to make sure you get the richest aroma and the fullest flavour – plus three tea making temperatures.

The 8000S is designed to provide top-tier performance for the long haul, with durable components meaning it will stand up to the rigours of use. Its daily capacity is around 350 cups, multiple milk foam options, and an automatic cleaning cycle.

If you’re running a larger workplace, this one has to be at or near the top of your wishlist.

Perk Up Your Place of Work

Bean to cup machines are so beloved by coffee connoisseurs that to have one in their workplace can feel like a dream - and to help make it a reality, why not get in touch? We’re here for any business that wants to make the best out of their coffee break, and we can help you make any of the many choices you’re not sure about.