Office Coffee Blog | Roast & Ground

Good coffee? Great meeting - Coffee machines for meeting rooms

Written by Richard Gray | 04-Apr-2018 14:25:20

It’s official. Monday morning, 9AM sharp. That’s the new time and day of the critically important meeting during which results are discussed, goals are set, and progress is presented. You NEED great coffee to hand.

In years gone by, filter coffee gained quite the reputation for poor quality tastes that were too bitter (a result of coffee being left for too long to stew and bubble away on the hot plate). Today, it’s fair to say that times have changed, and before you is a line-up of machines more advanced than ever before. Yet with choice, can come confusion. So here are some pointers when picking and managing your next filter machine that’s up to the task of meeting meeting room needs…

1. Lots of coffee, quickly!

Meeting rooms tend to be busy places. Your machine has to stand up to the challenge of creating cup after cup, quickly. For which a filter coffee machine is your ideal candidate.

2. Key indicators of quality? That would be consistency and freshness

Freshly ground beans in filter coffee machines deliver the same great taste, aroma and coffee each and every time. If your filter coffee machine doesn’t grind the beans for every cup, you can still enjoy a great tasting coffee by ensuring your filter coffee is freshly roasted.

3. What about filtering plenty of coffee in advance?

You’re super-duper organised – pens, paper, croissants, coffee – all laid out WELL in advance. Trouble is, coffee that stands around for too long loses its distinctive freshness. Urgh. Some Roast & Ground machines have already thought of this problem for you, and while they can’t help with moving chairs and tables, they do incorporate timers to warn you when the quality is becoming compromised. Pretty clever stuff, really.

4. Don’t allow your coffee to gather dust

Always ensure that your filter coffee is as fresh as possible. The majority of filter coffees have a shelf life of 12 months, but to enjoy it at its best you should drink it sooner. Our Roast & Ground filter coffee is freshly roasted in small batches and we encourage customers to order in smaller quantities to get the most from their brew.

5. From the boardroom, to the office

Filter coffee is a great choice for all day drinking, not only for that 60-minute meeting. You can also mix and match the coffee blends, to keep everyone happy (and there’s no need to reset the grinders, either, filter coffee machines can flip and switch between different coffees).

6. Finally… Don’t overlook the maintenance

The meeting – it’s done, dusted and it’s back to the daily grind. But before you, leave, remember to descale regularly (not doing so can impact the taste of even the fanciest of beans, ground in the most expensive of machines).

For the task of powering that Monday morning meeting? Well, there could hardly be a more talented candidate up to the job. Our star choice? This filter coffee machine from WMF, it's not cheap but it grinds the beans for every, single, cup and can also fill jugs full of steaming hot filter coffee.

Looking for a cheaper solution? This little line-up comes in at more budget-friendly price ranges, whilst still delivering the benefits of ground coffee.

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