Office Coffee Blog | Roast & Ground

Heading back to the office? Enjoy touch free coffee after lockdown

Written by James Hutchison | 28-Jul-2020 10:00:00

If the thought of going back to the office fills you with dread, you’re not alone. As a nation in lockdown we’ve just got used to working from home with all its different benefits and drawbacks. Not to mention the home schooling, isolation and lack of high quality coffee options!

Now we’re slowly inching closer to less restrictions and a routine that’s a bit more normal. The days roll on and before you know it, it’s time to go back to work tomorrow. Where did all that time go?

If it’s your first day back at the office, feeling sluggish can be a real problem. A good cup of coffee is sure to keep you motivated throughout the day and give you the pick-up you need.

Perhaps you’ve missed the sleek and inviting aroma of bean-to-cup coffee at the office. There’s nothing like the taste of professionally brewed coffee straight from a high end coffee machine, right?

Coming out of lockdown, cleanliness and reducing infection risks are a pressing concern in everyone’s minds. It’s important to keep up to date with the latest advice and stay safe, particularly if you’re going back to the office or back to work.

There’s no need to worry about getting your coffee fix when you go back to the office. You can relax in the knowledge that you can still enjoy your favourite fresh coffee with our touch free and contactless options.

3 Ways to enjoy risk free coffee when you go back to the office


1. Wash your hands regularly

If you’re touching communal areas in the office, it’s important to have hand sanitiser on hand. Thorough hand washing has been found to effectively kill the virus by destroying the bi-lipid layer. Washing your hands regularly throughout the day can make a huge difference and keep those germs at bay.

We offer a wide range of hand sanitiser solutions to get your workplace prepared for that back to the office rush.

2. Use a stylus for a touch free experience

Have you ever used a stylus in a work presentation? Maybe you’ve used one at the office to operate a tablet or other electronic equipment?

If you’re concerned about coming into contact with communal touch screen devices, using a stylus is the perfect solution. This allows you to get your daily coffee hit without having to touch the office coffee machine.

Our Swiss-made Rex-Royal range is equipped with an interactive touch screen that’s perfect for operating with a stylus pen, so you can effortlessly keep your distance. Make sure you regularly clean your stylus pen to kill any pathogens and you’ll be well on your way to navigating your workplace coffee needs with ease. See our stylus options here.

3. Use a smart coffee machine for remote operation

With technology ever evolving, the rise of smart coffee machines has become more prevalent. This allows new and safer ways for you to use your automatic coffee machine without ever having to touch it. Now that’s what we call smart technology!

Our Coffetek selection of commercial coffee machines is British-made and has inbuilt Distance Selection technology. This allows you to select your coffee choice from a safe distance of two centimetres by simply waving your finger. It’s great for maintaining hygiene in busy workplaces and communal areas.

Our Jura range comes with a JOE operating system which enables you to operate it remotely from a smart device or mobile phone. Simply download the app to your device and make your coffee choice on your phone, without touching the machine. It’s a great solution for office workplaces. Easily stay safe by avoiding contact with communal appliances.

Explore our full range of coffee machines here. Still unsure? Which Office Coffee Machine 2020 has some great pointers. Subscribe to our blog below for more hints and tips!