If you think fresh milk is the only option for your office drinks machine then think again! Granular milk has really improved in taste these days and there are some very important reasons, why it is the best solution for offices.
In the past, when we have offered drinks from our bean to cup machines using granular milk, customers were surprised when we revealed they weren’t made using fresh milk. The reason why? Granulated milk is fresh milk that has just been dehydrated, having evaporated the milk into dried granules.
In order to dispel the bad reputation, we explain the main advantages that come with having an office bean to cup machine that runs granular milk below:
- Easy to store - There’s no need to worry about refrigeration, spillages, monitoring regular deliveries (which often involve an additional supplier), where payments need to be managed. As the granulated milk is dry and packaged in a hermetically sealed bag it will last for several months, so it can be ordered in bulk and stored in a cool dry area. This can prove beneficial, especially if there are a number of staff that work out of hours, as they won’t need to worry about popping out to buy fresh.
- Less wastage - Fresh milk requires management of expiry dates and there’s a likelihood of the milk spoiling, which is often discarded daily.
- Cheaper – Often, a cup of coffee using granulated milk is cheaper than one made with fresh milk, as there is minimal wastage.
- Reduced cleaning – It is essential that all elements of the machine that have come into contact with fresh milk are sterilised daily, with a specially formulated milk cleaning product. Otherwise, the machine will start to smell and become unhygienic, which can lead to break down, supplier call-outs and extra charges. The cleaning process of a bean to cup machine, with fresh milk, can take approximately 15 - 20 minutes. Whereas with granulated milk, the daily cleaning time is reduced to around half this time.
- Healthier – At Roast & Ground, our granular milk is made from skimmed milk, containing less than 1g of fat and contains no artificial substances or additives. Yet the granular milk, still creates a glossy froth and provides the same great taste that fresh milk does.
You can purchase granulated milk for your office coffee machine via our online shop here:
Still not convinced? Contact us today to book a coffee tasting at your office or arrange a visit to our London showroom on either: 020 8397 8676 or sales@roastandground.co.uk