Roast & Ground Blog

    • Guide To Buying A Refurbished Commercial Coffee Machine

      Buying a refurbished coffee machine isn’t just a way to save money. It’s also a form of recycling and gives a perfectly good machine a new life and a chance to deliver delicious coffee to even more people.

      With prices rising all the time and inflation putting pressure on resources, it’s natural to turn to used or refurbished items to save a little money.

      As long as you choose carefully, there’s no reason why you couldn’t get as much satisfaction out of a refurbished commercial coffee machine as you could from a brand new one.

      If you’re considering going down this route, there are a few things you should know.

      Fortunately, most of the points are exactly the same as if you were buying brand new.

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    • What is the most ethical coffee?

      It’s a hot topic amongst UK companies and consumers and one that we at Roast & Ground have been striving to answer for over 20 years. Here’s what we’ve found on our mission to supply the most sustainable coffee to UK offices so that we all meet our Corporate Social Responsibility commitments.

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    • How to find better Coffee

      Coffee terminology got you confused? Here’s when to choose single origin, single estate, or something else for your next cup.

      Britain has fully embraced freshly roast and ground coffee in recent years. While our consumption is nowhere near the Finns (12 kilos per person per year), and we don’t even make the Top Ten of world coffee drinking countries (got to save some room for tea), we’re still enjoying two cups of coffee a day on average, all the while hunting out better quality beans.

      But how do you know what better quality coffee is? Should you be looking for a single estate or single origin coffee? What is a coffee blend and how do you know you’re buying a good one?

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    • Laying the Groundwork for a Greener Tomorrow – Recycling with bio-bean

      Make a Greener Tomorrow & Cut Down Office Coffee Disposal Costs

      Chances are, when you think about environmental issues, coffee grounds aren’t at the top of your list. And yet as a nation of coffee lovers it’s more than relevant to ask – what actually happens to our coffee grounds, once we’ve had our fill - all 500,000 tonnes of them, every year?

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    • Disposable cups cause a stir across the UK

      Disposable cups have received a lot of bad press recently after, MP Rory Stewart, told fellow MPs they posed a “huge” problem, as the majority are sent for incineration or to landfill sites.  Mr Stewart suggested last year’s tax on plastic bags was such a success that cups should be the next item to be taxed, in order to make consumers think twice about their wastage.  However the MP’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), were quick to comment saying there were "no plans" for a tax.

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