Roast & Ground Blog

    • NEW Rex-Royal Bean-to-Cup Coffee Machines

      Why this Swiss manufacturer is first choice for coffee machines

      Italy may be the birthplace of espresso but the best bean-to-cup coffee machines rely on precision engineering – and that’s where the Swiss are world renowned.

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    • Help 4 Kelp

      Introducing Help4Kelp, our new sustainability initiative

      At Roast & Ground, we’ve long been on a mission to ensure we are a genuinely ethical and sustainable coffee company. We work tirelessly to improve our carbon footprint and ensure that our coffee sourcing – in fact our whole business – operates in a socially responsible way.

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    • Finance Solutions

      With the price of takeaway coffees shooting up on the high street, there’s never been a better time to invest in a bean-to-cup coffee machine for the workplace.

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    • Navigating the Complex World of Recyclable Coffee Packaging

      Recyclable packaging – it's a buzzword that carries immense potential for environmental sustainability. Yet, we’ve learnt the journey to achieving genuinely recyclable packaging is often far more complex and frustrating than it initially seems. At Roast & Ground we embarked on a mission to create packaging that not only preserves the quality and freshness of our coffee but also ensures that customers have a clear path to recycling it. Sounds easy? We thought so, however…

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    • What's better than a (free) box of chocolates?

      We think you deserve a treat! If you're ordering snacks for the office you could be in with a chance to win a box of chocolates from the team here at Roast & Ground. A 'thank you' from us to you!

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    • New Year’s Resolutions. How're they going?

      Broken? Apparently only 16% of people stick to their resolutions, so you’re not alone. We can help! Read on and you’ll discover 10 resolutions we don’t think are too hard to commit to.

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    • The best ethical coffee brands? Here’s a great new name to add to the list

      New Fuel Their Day coffee from Roast & Ground directly supports charity Only A Pavement Away, helping people facing homelessness into employment within the hospitality sector.

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    • The best office coffee machines? Here’s why Rex-Royal reigns supreme

      If you’re looking for the very best bean-to-cup coffee machines to fuel a busy workplace, Swiss company Rex-Royal has to be top of the list. At Roast & Ground, we’ve been working with them for over 10 years now, for all the reasons you’ll love them too.

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    • Roast & Ground News! New faces, new tea offer and more.

      What’s New?

      New faces, a new tea offer and a few reminders to make sure you’re getting the very best from your Roast & Ground coffee machine. Read on to find out more...

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    • Best Coffee Machine Supplier 2022

      Roast & Ground is a UK-based, family business that supplies commercial coffee machines, freshly roasted coffee and all the back-up services required, that is making a huge difference to the way businesses operate.

      Coffee is a beverage that a huge percentage of the population adores and, with Roast & Ground, you can find something your whole workforce can truly appreciate. However, it’s not all about coffee – there’s something for everyone to try and love from the Roast & Ground offer.

      From speciality coffees, to teas and other drinks, Roast & Ground will keep you and your team fuelled
      throughout the working day.

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    • How To Choose A Bean To Cup Coffee Machine

      If you’re considering a new coffee offering in the office or want to show your appreciation to staff by investing in a bean to cup coffee machine, you’re in the right place.

      Choosing a bean to cup coffee machine is a big decision that could involve a significant investment if you’re buying or a long term commitment if you’re leasing.

      Either way, you want to buy the right machine for the job with drink choices that will satisfy the majority of  people in your workplace.

      Which is where this guide comes in.

      Rather than suggest several bean to cup coffee machines for you to choose from, we’ll outline some of the key considerations you need to make.

      First, let’s cover the basics, what exactly is a bean to cup coffee machine?

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    • What is Coffee Acidity

      Coffee is known for being different things to different people. A pick-me-up, a decadent treat, a breakfast replacement, fuel for the working day or something you get while out shopping.

      What coffee is to everyone, is acidic. That acidity is what gives coffee that sharp initial taste when you take your first sip.

      Some people regard acidity positively while others don’t. But what’s the truth? Should you celebrate coffee acidity or avoid it?

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    • Guide To Buying A Refurbished Commercial Coffee Machine

      Buying a refurbished coffee machine isn’t just a way to save money. It’s also a form of recycling and gives a perfectly good machine a new life and a chance to deliver delicious coffee to even more people.

      With prices rising all the time and inflation putting pressure on resources, it’s natural to turn to used or refurbished items to save a little money.

      As long as you choose carefully, there’s no reason why you couldn’t get as much satisfaction out of a refurbished commercial coffee machine as you could from a brand new one.

      If you’re considering going down this route, there are a few things you should know.

      Fortunately, most of the points are exactly the same as if you were buying brand new.

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    • The Many Benefits of Decaf Coffee

      Coffee has become an indelible part of the British diet and is competing with tea for cups drunk per day and per year. That’s great news for coffee lovers. 

      While coffee has many health benefits, too much caffeine can have detrimental effects.

      That’s why decaf coffee is so popular. It can deliver that delicious coffee flavor and aroma and many of those health benefits, without overstimulating us.

      If you’re on the fence about whether to accept decaf coffee into your diet or your office, we are here to help.

      We have extolled the virtues of decaf coffee for years. With the quality of decaf coffee now being better than ever, we believe it should be a part of everyone’s diet.

      We’ll give you some great reasons why.

      First, we need to dispel a common myth we often see and hear around decaf coffee.

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    • What is the most ethical coffee?

      It’s a hot topic amongst UK companies and consumers and one that we at Roast & Ground have been striving to answer for over 20 years. Here’s what we’ve found on our mission to supply the most sustainable coffee to UK offices so that we all meet our Corporate Social Responsibility commitments.

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    • How to find better Coffee

      Coffee terminology got you confused? Here’s when to choose single origin, single estate, or something else for your next cup.

      Britain has fully embraced freshly roast and ground coffee in recent years. While our consumption is nowhere near the Finns (12 kilos per person per year), and we don’t even make the Top Ten of world coffee drinking countries (got to save some room for tea), we’re still enjoying two cups of coffee a day on average, all the while hunting out better quality beans.

      But how do you know what better quality coffee is? Should you be looking for a single estate or single origin coffee? What is a coffee blend and how do you know you’re buying a good one?

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    • The 7 business benefits of Coffee Vending Machines

      At a time when money is precious and finite, it may not seem logical to consider acquiring a big ticket item like a coffee vending machine. But we would argue this is the ideal time to lease or buy one.

      If you’re on the fence, or are worried about adding an extra outgoing, we’re going to outline 7 significant business benefits of having a coffee vending machine.

      Each is compelling in its own right but together they more than make the case.



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    • Bean to Cup vs Espresso Machine

      Are you looking to invest in a new coffee machine for your workplace? Trying to decide whether to go for a bean to cup machine or a traditional espresso machine?

      It’s a tough decision. Both machine types have their pros and cons and their strengths and weaknesses.

      Fortunately, we are experts in coffee and have helped hundreds of businesses make this decision. We would be happy to help you with your decision too.

      First, let’s provide a little background on each type of coffee machine.

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    • Ultimate guide to cleaning your Coffee Machine

      Look after your coffee machine, clean it regularly, ensure its serviced on schedule and it will thank you with many years of faithful service.

      It’s that cleaning part we’re going to discuss today.

      You probably put a lot of thought into cleaning your office and ensuring your surroundings are hygienically clean and safe to work in.

      Do you do the same for your coffee machine?

      As the one amenity that keeps staff satisfied, it’s essential to keep it clean and running smoothly.

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    • How to choose the best Office Coffee Machine for 2022

      Brits take coffee incredibly seriously. Ask any office manager what drinks their staff prefer and we bet coffee will come out on top, with tea a close second.

      We may have been a nation of tea drinkers, but that has changed. We’re now a nation of coffee lovers.

      If you’re looking to upgrade your office coffee machine or need to replace one, you’re spoilt for choice.

      Rather than tell you what model and what brand to go for, we’re going to outline some of the key considerations you need to make to choose the right machine.

      Then, you can scour the market and make an informed decision about what’s available for your budget.

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    • Choosing the right milk for your Coffee Machine

      If you’re spending time and money on a coffee machine and coffee beans, the next logical question is about milk. What milk do you use with it?

      If you’re providing a coffee machine for staff, you need to cater to as many tastes as possible. Some of those tastes will inevitably include milk.

      There are so many styles of coffee people drink these days, it is important to have a coffee machine that will cater to most if not all needs. Good quality coffee machines will be able to dispense 2 milk options such as the Rex Royal S300 or even 3 different types of milk like the Rex Royal S500, so which should you choose?

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    • Introducing Our New Vitro Bean-to-Cup  Coffee Machines

      A bean-to-cup coffee machine takes coffee to a new level, and now there are three new machines in the Roast & Ground line up.

      Made by Coffetek, the Vitro S1, X1 and X1MIA offer delicious bean-to-cup coffee for commercial environments.

      There’s lots to consider when choosing your coffee machine, such as the drinks produced and the capacity. Here’s a closer look at what our new Vitro range offers, and how they compare.

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    • London’s Favourite Workplace Coffee Filtering Through the South East

      Moving offices? Welcoming staff back to work? Opening a satellite? Now is the perfect time for businesses to take a fresh look at their office drinks setup.

      And for those ready to upgrade, the good news is: organisations throughout the South East can now access the superb coffee and five-star service that have made Roast & Ground a hit with central London offices.

      And for those ready to upgrade, the good news is: organisations throughout the South East can now access the superb coffee and five-star service that have made Roast & Ground a hit with central London offices.

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    • How Do Bean-to-Cup Coffee Machines Work?

      Rich, aromatic and full of flavour - there’s something deeply satisfying about the perfect cup of coffee. When you’re anticipating that first cup of the day, there’s nothing worse than being handed a coffee which is nothing more than a tasteless pool of brown liquid.

      The good news is that with modern coffee machines, there’s no need to ever put up with a poor cup of coffee ever again. A bean-to-cup machine can deliver a wide range of coffees, personalised to just how you like them.

      Surprisingly simple to use, there are both home and commercial bean-to-cup machines available. Here’s the lowdown on how they work and what to expect.

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    • How You Can Save Money With A Commercial Coffee Machine

      For most people, the idea of getting through the workday without a decent cup of coffee is unthinkable. Whether you have five people in your office or 500, providing facilities to make hot drinks is an essential.

      But are you like the many offices around the country who rely on the humble kettle? An easy and cost-effective way of providing as many coffees as you need - or is it?

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    • Moving to a New Office? How to Choose an Office Coffee Machine

      If you’re about to open up your first office, or maybe you’re moving to new premises, there’s never been a better time to think about getting a new office coffee machine.

      Kettles are surprisingly expensive to run and only provide very limited options. A coffee machine in the office will be appreciated by employees, and means that making a hot drink doesn’t have to take a long time.

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    • How to choose the Best Office Coffee Machine for 2021

      As an eventful and memorable 2020 draws to a close, so our thoughts turn to a more prosperous 2021 both personally and in the world of commerce too. This coming year is thankfully set to see more of a return to normality when it comes to office spaces and business in our towns and cities across the nation, and the centrepiece of any decent office space is of course the coffee machine. The sought-after hub that keeps everyone well-watered and perked up throughout the first cold winter months of the year, and well into summer, thanks to the variety on offer these days.

      Here we’ll be taking a look at some of the most common queries when it comes to installing an office coffee machine so you can make an informed choice.

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    • Have an ethical tea break with Birchall teas

      If you’re looking for an ethical and sustainable tea break, look no further than Birchall for your office tea. Birchall are a family run company and have been in operation since 1872.

      It all started with a small family tea shop in London owned by Captain Birchall Graham. The business is quintessentially British and has been in the family for five generations. That’s a long time to get their tea selection and blends to the highest standards!

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    • Introducing the incredibly stylish Rex-Royal S2


      The Rex-Royal S2 reflects the best in top quality Swiss engineering. Rex-Royal have been established since 1937 and produce some of the best quality coffee machines on the market.

      The S2 has been designed exclusively to meet the professional needs of a mid-sized company or work environment. It’s great for medium sized offices, schools, break rooms, staffrooms and cafés. The compact and sleek design fits into any work environment with ease and is in keeping with modern office décor.

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    • Have you returned to school? Enjoy touch free staffroom coffee

      As schools reopened across the UK after lockdown, everyone began to adjust to new routines. With the return to school guidelines to put in place, there’s been a lot for teachers and school staff to consider. Plus addressing that backlog of work that’s accumulated!

      With so many demands on time and new rules to adhere to back at school, the job of school staff and teachers is becoming increasingly complex. Undoubtedly it can be difficult for teachers to find the time to take a much-deserved break.

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    • Heading back to the office? Enjoy touch free coffee after lockdown

      If the thought of going back to the office fills you with dread, you’re not alone. As a nation in lockdown we’ve just got used to working from home with all its different benefits and drawbacks. Not to mention the home schooling, isolation and lack of high quality coffee options!

      Now we’re slowly inching closer to less restrictions and a routine that’s a bit more normal. The days roll on and before you know it, it’s time to go back to work tomorrow. Where did all that time go?

      If it’s your first day back at the office, feeling sluggish can be a real problem. A good cup of coffee is sure to keep you motivated throughout the day and give you the pick-up you need.

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    • 5 steps to making the perfect Latte@Home

      Missing the familiar churning and whirring of your office bean-to-cup machine? Yearning for the morning kick of a professionally made latte?

      As we all await life to return to some semblance of normal, many of us are continuing to attempt to work from home. And boy, are there plenty of things going against us. With so many challenges and time stretching out ahead of us, a good cup of coffee can stir the soul (particularly when teamed with the right sugar-fix).

      Here are our recipes for the perfect morning wake up call or afternoon pick me up - our Roast & Ground Latte@Home (with just a kettle and hob - no cafetière or other fancy kit required); which can be coupled up with our lip-smacking cupboard cookies.

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    • Seven Tips for Staying Happy and Healthy When Home Working

      Unexpected work from homers - you’ve had to set up an impromptu work area and rapidly adapt to working from home, all alone. Thank goodness for caffeine, right?

      A good cup of coffee can stir up your energy levels and put you in a better frame of mind - just what you need on a tough Monday morning when trying to get motivated in your home habitat.

      But staying productive when working from home is one thing. Of far greater importance is your mental and physical health.

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    • Improve your coffee know-how with our 10 coffee facts

      Suffering from Lockdown Loco? During these strange times the four walls of your home may feel closer than ever before.

      While the time stretches out in front of us all (and you could well be craving for your usual office coffee), we can speak for everyone when we say that we’re just grateful for our health and that of our clients, friends and family.

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    • Moving Office? Six Office Coffee Considerations

      You’re planning a move and counting down to the big day. There are removals to book, equipment to account for, and customers to tell. Safe to say that you’ll be fuelling the move with caffeine – LOTS of caffeine.

      While the kettle and coffee shop will have to do during move day, what will you do from here on in?

      For those soon to move, our team have whipped up six tips for getting the drinks flowing after your arrival.

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    • Introducing 50:50 Half-Caff

      It’s the 24th January, and just like that, the first month of 2020 is almost done.

      So tell us, how are those new year resolutions working for you?

      If you’re like most people, you might be on the way to losing your resolve (80% of people have given up on their resolution by mid-February). If this sounds like an all too familiar tale, we’ve got good news – our new coffee could just turn your new year resolution around. Here’s why...

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    • Which Office Coffee Machine 2020

      If you regularly check back to our blog, you’ll know that office coffee is capable of the incredible.

      Like boosting business productivity and worker health. Like encouraging colleague interaction and even protecting the brain against the effects of stress. Impressive stuff indeed. So it’s safe to say that making the right choice of machine is a pretty important task. One which we’re more than happy to help with. Let’s begin…

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    • 12 things you probably didn't know about coffee

      It seems just five minutes ago that we were tapping out our guide for picking a new coffee supplier in time for the new year. And now here we are, suddenly at the end of 2019.

      How did that happen?

      And it’s not just any old New Year, either – it’s the start of a new decade. But between then and now, there’s the little matter of Christmas to enjoy. And in honour of the 12 days of Christmas, we wanted to enlighten you with 12 incredible coffee facts that you almost certainly didn’t know….

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    • Clear Conscience With Your Coffee

      Being kind to the planet has been a focus of ours since way back when (so far back in fact, that it was before the environment became the hot topic that it is today). Part and parcel of our environmental efforts are two carbon offsetting programmes, which aim to reduce the impact we have on this world of ours.

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    • Coffee machine cleaning - Here's why it needs plenty of elbow grease

      Desk, dusted. Floor, vacuumed. Bathroom, squeaky clean. But what about your office coffee machine?

      Office cleaning usually includes every crevice and corner. From glistening windows to the air blasted keyboard, you probably thought you had everything covered. So let us ask you this…  when was the last time your office coffee machine had the spring clean treatment?

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    • The Rex-Royal S300 and S500 - Now in Sleek, Chic Black.

      Around a year ago the newest Rex-Royal S500 joined our line-up of coffee machine options. Serving up everything from creamy lattes to refreshing frappes, Rex-Royals have always been known for their dizzying array of options, with many choices to make your machine your own.

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    • Even the best coffee machines need maintenance. This is why...

      Latte with sprinkles on top? And would you like an engineer with that?

      Office coffee is incredible. Research shows it boosts morale and creates a more positive work environment. But what if something goes wrong? What would happen then? Queue a dash (every hour) to Starbucks (costly). Hmph. This seems a good time to introduce our maintenance service.

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    • Three pointers for picking the perfect office coffee

      If you’ve made the decision to invest in an office coffee machine, you should know – you’re making a wise choice. As we’ve blogged about previously, great office coffee gets colleagues talking and businesses working. But what about the things BEYOND the machine – like your choices of coffee, your employees who are non-caffeine and, a critical one, cleaning?

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    • 2,000 years after its invention, it’s all change for the tap

      The tap has been hard at work ever since the earliest years of the ancient Roman era, when the very first mixing tap (rudimentary though it was) changed daily life.

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    • How To Make Great Coffee For A Large Office

      Your workplace is a hustling bustling environment of 100+ employees. You need a machine that keeps pace with them and their preferences for beverages made exactly how they like them. Here’s our how to…

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    • 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Fruit, Herbal & Green Tea

      Tea – it’s the staple beverage of the nation – the drink that’s brewed in times of trouble and a cup of which can set us up for the day. Yet while our beloved cup of char is capable of admirable things, they’re perhaps not a patch on all that fruit, herbal and green teas can achieve.

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    • The Facilities Show | See us there!

      We’re proud to partner with the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) for the Facilities Show taking place at ExCel between the 18th – 20th June 2019. You’ll find us together on stand FM6435, where you’ll be able to grab a cup of our delicious 9-5 Daterra Brazil coffee, whilst checking out all that IWFM has to offer.

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    • Best Office Coffee Machines 2019

      Get your colleagues rushing into work early for an exceptional cup of coffee

      We all know the difference that a great cup of coffee can make to a long day at work. In fact, recent research shows that an office coffee machine has the potential to transform your work environment. A simple cup of coffee can boost employee productivity, stimulate creativity and strengthen team bonds.

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    • Best Coffee Machines for Staff Rooms

      In the staff room: 4 ways coffee machines whip up performance and productivity

      Thinking about upgrading the coffee and tea offer in the staff room? Considering trading up from acceptable beverages, to barista-level coffee?

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    • Fairtrade Fortnight 2019

      Fairtrade began humbly – all the way back in the 1940s. First, churches in North America and Europe began to purchase and import crafts from impoverished areas. These small efforts made a significant difference to refugees and communities around the world.

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    • The New S500 from Rex-Royal

      Here’s everything you need to know

      Please be upstanding for coffee machine royalty - the new Rex-Royal S500. Barista-standard drinks, automatically produced and packing in plenty of power under the hood. The S500 serves up many a reason to make this your office coffee machine of choice.

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    • New Year, New Coffee Supplier

      Looking for a new office coffee supplier in 2019? Here’s the inside track on what to look for...

      Tea and coffee – they are the backbone of British workplaces. We collaborate over it, wake up with it, and are cheered up by it during the tougher of afternoons. So it's no surprise that sometimes we need a new coffee supplier.

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    • Rwanda's coffee economy

      The land of a thousand hills and a flourishing coffee economy

      Rwanda – a region renowned for its breath-taking scenery, welcoming people and vibrant wildlife. Here you’ll find four national parks, many magnificent gorillas and extraordinary biodiversity. But equalling its beauty, has been its poignant and tumultuous history, some of which has been sheer, unimaginable horror.

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    • Boost Business and Workers' Health

      We don’t just sell exceptional coffee. We boost business and worker health too!

      Every year parched Brits savour a staggering 70 million cups of coffee. And yet just thirty years ago, our offices were filled with dedicated tea drinkers – with barely a latte in sight.

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    • JURA – Is this coffee machine right for your office?

      You’re on the hunt for the perfect office coffee machine, and the options are endless – overwhelming, even. Amongst your choices is JURA. Sleek looking and contemporary in style, JURA machines sure look good, the question is – do they create the perfect coffee for your office? Here, we’ll help you find out.

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    • Compostable or Reusable? Which Coffee Cups?

      It's difficult to know which workplace coffee cups to choose - compostable or reusable? Let's take a look at the things you should consider.

      Coffee shops the length and breadth of the UK have been hitting the headlines and taking up column inches. They're under the spotlight for not using recyclable coffee cups. The problem is two-fold…

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    • 10 reasons your office coffee tastes terrible

      It all started so well – every cup was delicious, with an aroma wafting across the office akin to your favourite local independent coffee shop. Then suddenly, one Monday morning, each serving seemed flavourless, bitter, or just bad. What could be wrong? Far from it definitely being a dodgy batch of beans, there are actually many more reasons why your coffee could taste terrible (actually, there are ten). Let’s count them down…

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    • Rex-Royal – King of all coffee machines

      So, you want great coffee at work – you've read up, researched and a clear case has been made for selecting a bean-to-cup coffee machine, over and above capsule-based machines. Now? You face wading through dozens of websites, many suppliers, and a shiny line-up of hundreds of bean-to-cup machines - each one vying for your attention.

      Amongst them all, there is Rex-Royal – a prestigious coffee machine brand. Here we explain ten reasons why Rex-Royal reigns supreme in the kingdom of office coffee.

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    • Great Coffee Gets You Talking (And Relaxed, and Working)

      The Facilities Show 2018 – taking place between the 19th and 21st June 2018, this unmissable date on the facilities manager’s calendar looks set to attract a record 11,000 visitors and 300 suppliers. The UK’s leading professional body for Facilities Management, BIFM, will showcase the great work the organisation does for the industry – acting as champion, supporter and development partner for facilities managers who want to grow their careers, gain professional recognition and stay up-to-date with developments affecting the industry.

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    • Swiss Water Decaf – Amazing coffee. Explained.

      The Swiss Water Process – far from this being some continental beauty treatment or massage technique, is actually a solvent-free way of decaffeinating unroasted coffee beans – the only solvent free method, that is. Let’s dive into how it works and why it creates incredible tasting decaf.

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    • Commercial Coffee Machines – Lease, Lease Purchase, or Buy?

      Commercial Coffee Machines in the Busy Workplace

      Morale-boosting, spirit-lifting, energy-creating – the benefits of coffee to the workplace are well-established. Providing a commercial coffee machine keeps even larger workplaces well-fuelled throughout the day. But whenever you buy any commercial asset, you must ask how you should fund your purchase – lease, lease purchase or buy? Here we review your options.

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    • Good coffee? Great meeting - Coffee machines for meeting rooms

      It’s official. Monday morning, 9AM sharp. That’s the new time and day of the critically important meeting during which results are discussed, goals are set, and progress is presented. You NEED great coffee to hand.

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    • Laying the Groundwork for a Greener Tomorrow – Recycling with bio-bean

      Make a Greener Tomorrow & Cut Down Office Coffee Disposal Costs

      Chances are, when you think about environmental issues, coffee grounds aren’t at the top of your list. And yet as a nation of coffee lovers it’s more than relevant to ask – what actually happens to our coffee grounds, once we’ve had our fill - all 500,000 tonnes of them, every year?

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    • Bean to Cup Coffee Machines: The Office Coffee Solution

      Coffee. It’s an art form. A diverse one at that.

      In years past, your average office vending machine was pretty uninspiring – serving up instant coffee and tea, maybe a hot chocolate if your employers were generous enough.

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    • Great Coffee, Good Mood

      Here at Roast & Ground, we feel like everyone knows that a great cup of coffee can boost your mood – but do you know why?

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    • Rainforest Alliance & Fairtrade – The No-Nonsense Guide

      Businesses today are more socially conscious than ever before. Companies of every size pay more mind to the way they go about their business and the impact their choices have on the planet. But running a business as ethically as possible isn’t easy. Misinformation, myths and misconceptions abound in environmental conversation. It can be all too easy to be overwhelmed into making the wrong choice.

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    • The Benefits of Drinking Coffee

      We don’t need to say it, but we will anyway: we love coffee. There’s no finer way to start your day. But did you know that it’s more than just for the caffeine kick? Coffee doesn’t just put a spring in our step. It has some real health benefits too!

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    • The Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines in 2017

      With 2017 more than halfway over at the time of writing, the summer holidays are upon us and you and your colleagues may well be heading overseas to soak up the sun – if you haven’t already been.

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    • Office Coffee Machine? Here's how to choose one

      Organising coffee at your workplace isn’t as simple as picking a coffee machine and having done with it. Where is it going to go, what fits in that space, how many cups does it need to serve a day, what about consumables (coffee, chocolate, cups, sugar, stirrers, cup lids), what are the pros and cons of fresh or powdered milk, and many other questions need to be addressed.

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    • Swiss-Made Coffee Machines

      You’ll find that when talking about what makes a great cup of coffee, Swiss-Made Machines are being spoken about more and more. So, what makes these machines so remarkable?

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    • Signs of Summer: Coffee Breaks Outdoors

      You always know summer’s coming when the tables outside coffee shops start to fill up through the day. You know summer’s really upon us when you still see people sat at those tables, chatting, as you’re on your commute home.

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    • Is Your Office Allergen Aware?

      The boost a hot drinks machine can have to the morale of an office is pretty well documented by now – great-tasting, aromatic coffee made quickly, reliably, and without the need to dash to the nearest coffee shop and back in the rain will have that effect.

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    • 2016: The Year of a Tea Renaissance. Is your office tea up to par?

      The UK are famed around the world as a nation of tea drinkers, and yet over the course of the most recent decade, it seems to have been coffee that we’ve been craving. As of 2016, we were drinking two and a half cups of coffee, as compared to just a single cup of tea when outside of the home (npd 2016).

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    • Why office bean to cup machines make the best coffee

      The UK consumes a staggering 55 million cups of coffee per day, with increasing numbers investing in fresh coffee, it seems that our tastes are changing (British Coffee Association).  Here we take a look at why we’ve become more discerning when it comes to our caffeine – and explain why bean to cup machines are simply essential if you’re to avoid a ten thousand mile round trip to get a taste of Columbia.

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    • Kettles lose steam against an office bean to cup machine

      Since bean to cup machines emerged on the office scene, the debate between kettles and a fully automatic drinks solution has been a heated one.  There are some businesses that consider a drinks machine to be an unnecessary luxury that doesn’t pay any dividends, here we make the case for switching from kettle to an office coffee machine.

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    • Win free doughnuts for you and your team with Roast & Ground

      At Roast & Ground HQ in London, we're a massive fan of doughnuts!

      But we have far too many to get through! Therefore, being the generous and selfless bunch that we are, thought it would be best to share them out.

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    • Why we love these office capsule/sachet machines (and you should too!)

      Now whilst we are firm advocates of bean to cup machines for the office, we also appreciate that sometimes, especially for small areas like a reception or meeting room, commercial capsule/sachet machines provide a viable coffee solution.

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    • Summer is finally here! Time to drink iced coffee & iced tea...

      We don’t know about you but we are feeling hot over here at Roast & Ground HQ, even our office mascot Cino, who hails from Costa Rica is feeling the heat!

      It’s the kind of heat that makes you believe wearing your best beach outfit is appropriate work attire and setting up a paddling pool in the office car park is a good idea!

      Fear not, we have come up with a delicious iced coffee and an iced tea recipe that will help keep you cool and fuel your working day.

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    • How to finance your new office drinks machine

      Here at Roast & Ground HQ, we are passionate about providing offices with high quality drinks equipment.  Therefore we offer different finance solutions to help a variety of businesses obtain their ideal drinks machine.  Below we list the advantages and things to consider, to help you decide which finance option is best for your company.

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    • 5 key reasons to choose granular milk for your office coffee machine

      If you think fresh milk is the only option for your office drinks machine then think again! Granular milk has really improved in taste these days and there are some very important reasons, why it is the best solution for offices.

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    • How to choose coffee beans for the office

      You’ve chosen a stylish new drinks machine for your office, but what about the beans? The right beans, handled correctly, will help you get the best out of your machine - delighting staff and customers with great tasting coffee all day, every day.

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    • What you need to know about our new Rex Royal bean to cup machines...

      We are excited to announce the recent launch of the new model Rex Royal office coffee machines, our best selling coffee machine has been updated as of 1st April 2016. The revamped drinks machines are now even more appealing to office coffee drinkers and are available to purchase.

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    • Introducing our new office mascot…Cino!


      Cino, our office mascot, arrived at Roast & Ground HQ in a box of Fairtrade Columbian Superior Beans on the 1st April 2016.  At first we thought it was a bit of an April Fools, however he soon found himself settled amongst the rest of the team and we’re pleased to announce he’s a Full-Time employee.  Cino will be making regular appearances, whether helping out with consumables deliveries or entertaining on social media, so keep your bananas peeled for him here:

      We hope you grow to love him as much as we do!

      Roast & Ground

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    • Disposable cups cause a stir across the UK

      Disposable cups have received a lot of bad press recently after, MP Rory Stewart, told fellow MPs they posed a “huge” problem, as the majority are sent for incineration or to landfill sites.  Mr Stewart suggested last year’s tax on plastic bags was such a success that cups should be the next item to be taxed, in order to make consumers think twice about their wastage.  However the MP’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), were quick to comment saying there were "no plans" for a tax.

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    • 10 things to consider when choosing the right drinks machines

      When you're on the lookout for just the right drinks machine for your workspace, consider these ten points.

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    • 10 qualities to look for in an office drinks supplier

      When you’re looking for an office drinks supplier, you’ll be weighing up lots of factors. As experienced suppliers ourselves, these are the top 10 qualities we would look for:

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    • Keep your staff by keeping them happy with an office coffee machine

      British businesses spend £4bn a year replacing staff, with the average cost per employee an eye-watering £30,614 – according to a report in 2014 by Oxford Economics and Unum.

      While a great office coffee machine can’t be the only answer to a happily settled workforce – have you considered what it might say about your company?

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    • Six ways your office coffee machine keeps the ideas flowing

      Caffeine’s the buzz that kicks off your day, keeps you focused on the job and keeps up your productivity when energy levels flag. Beethoven, Mahler and Sartre all famously ran on coffee, while JK Rowling wrote her first Harry Potter novel sitting in her favourite coffee shop. Give your staff extra creative flair, with regular access to great coffee.

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