Tea – it’s the staple beverage of the nation – the drink that’s brewed in times of trouble and a cup of which can set us up for the day. Yet while our beloved cup of char is capable of admirable things, they’re perhaps not a patch on all that fruit, herbal and green teas can achieve.

From fighting flu to lowering blood pressure, you should probably pop the kettle on and sup up – fruit, herbal and green tea is brimming with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that provide a tasty burst of goodness whatever the time of day.
But before we begin…
There’s something you should know about green tea versus herbal and fruit teas
Green teas shouldn’t be lumped into the same category as fruit and herbal teas as, truth be known, they’re really rather different. They have differing preparation techniques, flavours and health benefits.
Herbal and fruit teas aren’t created from the leaves of the tea, but from plant infusion. In contrast, pure green tea is the extraction of a tree called Camellia synesis.
Despite many differences, green tea does share many similarities with fruit and herbal teas – like being an exceptional way to hydrate for around 4 calories per cup and being made from 100% natural ingredients (hello body-benefits minus unwanted toxins).
Now with that cleared up, it’s time to get to the many health advantages of these teas – starting with herbal and fruit teas.
The countless compelling benefits of fruit and herbal teas
1. Like many fruit and herbal teas, Earl Grey is high in antioxidants…
And antioxidants can help your health and well-being in endless ways – from taking on inflammation to fighting off free radicals.
2. Assam tea is wonderfully good for you, but also boasts a boost in energy
Unlike other fruit and herbal teas, Assam contains caffeine. For you, this equals an increase in mental alertness and a pickup in energy when needed.
3. Redbush tea may help your heart health
Several studies have linked the antioxidants in Redbush tea to beneficial effects on blood pressure by blocking ACE – an unhelpful enzyme created by the body which causes blood vessels to contract.
4. Camomile tea could be the taste of calm and serenity you need
Camomile tea is thought to help bring about relaxation – great news for that anxiety-ridden Monday morning.
5. Peppermint tea improves digestion
Peppermint tea is wonderful for gut health as it helps shift gas, and in so doing relieves the feeling of bloating and cramps.
6. Cranberry & Raspberry tea
Cranberry & Raspberry tea takes on toxins with ease and reduces cholesterol levels in the body, serving an important role in preventing several cardiovascular diseases.
7. Lemon & Ginger tea strengthens your immunity from coughs and colds
Lemon and ginger tea is a friend to your immune system (good news come the season of office bugs!).
8. Green tea can bolster brain function
There’s just enough caffeine in green tea to provide your body with a boost. That’s because caffeine blocks something called Adenosine, while increasing the firing of neurons and the effectiveness of neurotransmitters.
9. Jasmine green tea serves up plenty of nutrients
Green tea is chock full of something known as bioactive plant compounds, which deliver a whole host of body-loving nutrients in just one cup. It also features the polyphenol antioxidant catechin EGCG, which is a powerful antioxidant (which all Londoners should welcome in their bid to diminish the effects of pollution).
10. Gingerbread Green Tea is simply fabulous for your hair
Gingerbread green tea provides a plentiful serving of vitamins A and C, which are great for reducing DHT in the scalp which can damage the healthy growth of hair.
Explore our range of Twinings And London Tea Fruit, Herbal and Green Teas
Customer Promotion: Get a FREE box of 20 Twinings Fruit, Herbal or Green Enveloped Tea Bags for every £100 you spend (ex-vat). Available until 12th July.
Explore our full range of teas | Call on 020 8397 8676 | Email us via customersupport@roastandground.co.uk