Roast & Ground Blog

    • 10 reasons your office coffee tastes terrible

      It all started so well – every cup was delicious, with an aroma wafting across the office akin to your favourite local independent coffee shop. Then suddenly, one Monday morning, each serving seemed flavourless, bitter, or just bad. What could be wrong? Far from it definitely being a dodgy batch of beans, there are actually many more reasons why your coffee could taste terrible (actually, there are ten). Let’s count them down…

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    • Rex-Royal – King of all coffee machines

      So, you want great coffee at work – you've read up, researched and a clear case has been made for selecting a bean-to-cup coffee machine, over and above capsule-based machines. Now? You face wading through dozens of websites, many suppliers, and a shiny line-up of hundreds of bean-to-cup machines - each one vying for your attention.

      Amongst them all, there is Rex-Royal – a prestigious coffee machine brand. Here we explain ten reasons why Rex-Royal reigns supreme in the kingdom of office coffee.

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    • Bean to Cup Coffee Machines: The Office Coffee Solution

      Coffee. It’s an art form. A diverse one at that.

      In years past, your average office vending machine was pretty uninspiring – serving up instant coffee and tea, maybe a hot chocolate if your employers were generous enough.

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