Best Coffee Machines for Staff Rooms

Posted by Richard Gray on 02-Apr-2019 13:00:00
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In the staff room: 4 ways coffee machines whip up performance and productivity

Thinking about upgrading the coffee and tea offer in the staff room? Considering trading up from acceptable beverages, to barista-level coffee?

Here are four reasons why you should invest in a coffee machine (and five pointers on how to choose the right machine for your needs).


1. Great tasting coffee is a recipe for boosted employee morale

What’s the secret to staff happiness? According to one study, the answer is clear-cut…

Hire company Andrew Sykes found that free beverage facilities were ranked number one for what employees wanted, with 59% valuing this perk.

And beyond caring about your employees’ health and happiness levels, it’s also worth noting that happiness = heightened performance, with another study discovering that happy staff are 12x as productive as their dissatisfied counterparts.

2. Coffee is a MUST for those tough Monday mornings

A great tasting cup of coffee can kick-start even the dullest, dreariest of Monday mornings, and power your staff through their week.

3. Coffee machines provide a warm (delicious) welcome for your guests too

As well as impressing your employees and providing them with mood- and energy-lifting beverages, a coffee machine can also ensure that your next visitor meeting gets off to a great start.

4. Coffee machines power staff productivity

Caffeine is scientifically proven to assist cognitive function, reaction time and even memory. So asides from taste, staff morale and guest hospitality, coffee machines can also improve output, ensuring staff are alert, and making the afternoon graveyard shift a thing of the past.

So where do you start in picking the perfect coffee machine for the staff room?

Peak demand and a short window of time

Are there time periods that will put your coffee machine under pressure to perform – such as short windows for staff breaks?

This is a critical consideration in school environments, where teachers are looking for a quick energy-booster, with just 20 minutes or so to spare. You’ll need to consider how many drinks you’ll be needing in a specific time period, making sure the solution you have meets the demand. It may be that a combination of drinks solutions is needed to make sure all your staff have what they need, when they need it.

Part of the benefits package or pay as you go?

Are drinks included as part of the benefits package? If not, you’ll need a machine with cash or card accepting abilities.

Even if your staff are charged for their drinks, an on-site coffee machine serving great quality drinks is still much appreciated. It is convenient and cost-effective – providing coffee-shop quality drinks at a fraction of the price, all on-site.


Last but not least – what’s your budget? Consider your coffee machine an investment, but it needn’t demand a big outgoing and an outright purchase. You could lease the machine and pay a monthly rental. If you do decide to buy, your finance department may well be able to treat your coffee machine as an asset, enabling it to depreciate over time. You can explore the options with our blog: Commercial Coffee Machines – Lease, Lease Purchase, or Buy?

Features, style and size

Bean to cup office coffee or filter coffee machine, or perhaps a combination? Designed for compactness, or is size no issue? And then there’s the feature list. With so much to run through, you may want to read our guide: Sourcing the right drinks machines for your office space.

But far better why don’t you talk to an expert. Give us a call and let’s have a chat. With the answers to just a few simple questions we can help you quickly narrow your options.

Contact us now on 020 8397 8676 or email

Topics: coffee machines, staff room

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